Fern ...A nomad
i've been a nomad for 7 years since i left home. I think i 'm gonna be nomad for another 3-4 years until i have enough money to get a home.
Talking about new homes, i saw susu lembu's new home last weekend. It was so nice!!! three weeks back, Carmen sent me photos of their home...wow..how nice! i told her that i'd like to laze around her new place when i come back next time...Hmm...don't ask me when i'm gonna come back!
Oh yea, Alfred and Judy's new home...i'm still waiting for Alfred to take some photos for me to see..This christmas is gonna be so complete for Ongs, with their kids and aunts from Teluk Intan moving down to KL.
Another one, WoonFoong and Doreen's new home...i want photos..i wanna see the new home...So many new homes...i also want one!!!
Today, i saw parents came to the hall to bring the students back. me? i have to work till Thursday. As i walked to the library and looking at busy roads with all those cars, i said to myself 'Andrew, come and bring me home!!!' First time in mylife, i felt homesick! i've never felt homesick all these while because my mom had a serious talk with me before i left home for college. She said 'Fern, your mission: Study hard! Do not miss home!' Since then, i've never missed home. But today, i felt like 'someone come and bring me out of portsmouth!' Looking out to the window, all the kitchens are dark and the rooms are dark too! 80% of students have left for christmas.
i have to work till Thursday. HOw am i gonna cope with that? Thank god that Chris from the Admin office's gonna work till Friday, if not, i'm gonna be so lonely in my room. Even though she works opposite my room, at least someone is on the same floor as me. I had a minced pie in the department christmas party this afternoon. I thought of not going before that, after that i checked with Matt whether he would like to go. Then he said 'oh yea, let's go and show our faces!' Thomas has left for Denmark this morning. Everyone has left for home... How am i gonna deliver the work for the whole of next week? i've just got no mood to do anymore...The weekly meeting went well today and i'd really thank god for that.
teh 'O' ais.. be more patient... ur superman is coming to rescue you from the loneliness soon.. VERY VERY soon.. :p
By Anonymous, At Mon Dec 18, 08:24:00 AM 2006
Yes, Fern, we will definitely post pictures of the new home and Baby Sara for you!!! She will be due either 23 or 26 Dec '06. She might come sooner than we think :)
By Anonymous, At Mon Dec 18, 05:25:00 PM 2006
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