Meerkat On the LookOUT

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fire Drill

This morning at 11am, there was a fire drill practice in my office.

Early morning, there was this colleague of mine came in and said 'Hey, ready to run?'

Then, another colleague answered 'Don't you read the email from HR, we're supposed to calm'.

Anyway, the fire drill in UK and Malaysia is totally different.

Few months back when i was in UK, fire drill happened like at least once a month. I used to stand in the cold, middle of the night, rushing down the staircase. Then my mind started to wonder 'who's trying to bake in the wee hours?' And i used to have problem to get back to sleep after the fire drill.

But what happened this morning was...there were coffee, free fruit juice and milo served at the assembly point. Everyone was sweating and complaining 'HOT! HOT', whereas i didn't sweat at all. My heatlh is not in good shape yet, still have running nose.


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