What's your reaction?
Imagine you go shopping with your boy friend (BF) and his ex-gal friend (EXG), and yourself (GF lar, whatelse right?)Assume that you're GF, you're an open-minded person that you're fine to go out with your BF and EXG.
Walking into a gift shop,BF and GF held their hands. EXG looked around for a gift bag.
Then, a question raised by EXG.
EXG:Seeeeeeee, what do you guys think of this? Nice?
BF: It's ok. Nice.
EXG: *smile*
EXG: i'm looking for something, you know like this. Remember that I got one last time?
BF: Oh, right.
GF: *hmmm* *Smile again*
As GF, what's your reaction?
What is the EXG trying to do? Reminiscing the old 'sweet'days? Testing BF whether he still remembers what does EXG like?
Disclaimer: Above is what i imagine.
My personal reaction will be *smile* and keep quiet. If the thing is nice, say NICE!
Feel free to share your response as GF.
Walking into a gift shop,BF and GF held their hands. EXG looked around for a gift bag.
Then, a question raised by EXG.
EXG:Seeeeeeee, what do you guys think of this? Nice?
BF: It's ok. Nice.
EXG: *smile*
EXG: i'm looking for something, you know like this. Remember that I got one last time?
BF: Oh, right.
GF: *hmmm* *Smile again*
As GF, what's your reaction?
What is the EXG trying to do? Reminiscing the old 'sweet'days? Testing BF whether he still remembers what does EXG like?
Disclaimer: Above is what i imagine.
My personal reaction will be *smile* and keep quiet. If the thing is nice, say NICE!
Feel free to share your response as GF.
I think the EXG is toxic, that's my personal opinion. Not considerate enough. I wonder about the bf's reaction though. But in the end, the GF is the one who won, coz holding the hand.... but izzit true? Relationship is very complicated thing. I got an ex who has a gf but told me I am a much better gf and wouldnt mind to dump the gf to be with me. I rejected so he stays with the gf. How ironic is that?
Have faith with your own choice. Anyway, what you trying to ask? Even if the EXGF is doing something... but if the BF is loyal to the GF, there's nothing to worry about.
There's my 2 cents worth.
Eileen, At
Tue Oct 30, 09:34:00 AM 2007
princess eileen: i'm totally agree with you. Exactly, it all depends on the BF whether he's smart enough and loyal to GF.
InfanT, At
Tue Oct 30, 09:36:00 AM 2007
Since the gf is open minded and has decided to go shopping with EXG and BF, she should be able to take in all the 'nonsensical' comments made by EXG and do not need to feel offended in any way. Pepper
Anonymous, At
Tue Oct 30, 09:43:00 AM 2007
Being an ex and hanging around with her ex together with the gf, she has to be more considerate unless she has other motives in her mind. However, as the gf, I will ask my bf to see what he thinks of her. I'll try to find out more about her and test how his reaction is like. If he's still so much into her, I would bring out my concern that I don't feel good with her around.
My ex (bf then) took me to meet up with his ex. Occassionally, he will talk about her and even spend some time with her, without my knowledge. That is what I don't like. If you want to meet your ex, be frank with your current girl.
That's what I think.
vivyoong, At
Tue Oct 30, 10:14:00 AM 2007
Pepper: Yea, ultimately is how we all take things, whether we have strong relationship. If the trust between the couple is good, no one can do anything right? But, sometimes third party can also make a mess. So, hold your man really tight!!!
InfanT, At
Tue Oct 30, 02:02:00 PM 2007
Vivienne: I guess if BF goes to see EXG without GF's knowledge, there's lack of respect. Yea yea yea, be frank and communicate...
InfanT, At
Tue Oct 30, 02:03:00 PM 2007
well...well... my friend,fern2 hv come across the matter.hmmm...it show u 'grow up' liao.
for me as married woman with a child, i would like to say most men is same.they will do this kind of thing: they like to ignore you to talk about their ex.
since u n bf n exgf go walk2, it show that u also be friendly with yr bf 2. well done, fern.
what i can say is that what ever pass is passed,now is u hv concerntrate to yr future of coz both of yr futere. that little 'evil' can't kacau u de.
be confidence n loved yrself as much. everything will be fine as jesus is always on besides of u. cheer up. fern!
from: yr old friend,HL
Anonymous, At
Wed Oct 31, 11:02:00 AM 2007
"Holding your man real tight" - Can we really do that, I wonder? Best would be just to be yourself and have the confidence in the relationship, in the midst of all kind 'thunderstorm'. pepper
Anonymous, At
Wed Oct 31, 01:16:00 PM 2007
Thanks so much for all the comments.
This blog was put up for discussion, just like a common scenario in HK TVB drama.
I trust in the Lord when it comes to my relationship with Tengku Mahkota
InfanT, At
Thu Nov 01, 08:48:00 AM 2007
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