Meerkat On the LookOUT

Monday, January 21, 2008

Do I look really SERIOUS?

Boss: Fern is working very hard and she’s really serious staring at her computer.

After a few mins,
Receptionist: Concentrate. Concentrate.

These are the common comments given by my colleagues. In my previous work place, Seemon said ‘Fern on screen saver mode’, move the mouse!

At my current workplace, my HR Sr executive said ‘You’re very serious, I can see that when I pass by your cubicle’.

Yea, I’m thankful that I’ve given the ‘gift’ to focus and when I focus on my work, I go into deep thought to think and think and find solutions. Also, I like to dwell into deep thought when I need to think of problems that I need to solve.

Yes, I’m a thinker. This is a comment from Shan who observed me after a few months in the church.

Yes, I’ll listen to Pastor Chew’s advice. Being able to focus is an asset, but remember do not make as a liability. I need to have self-control to release myself out of the deep thought at times.


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