Meerkat On the LookOUT

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Car = Freedom??

I think I've blogged about my beloved car before when there was once I missed it so much. My beloved, red Satria, was a gift from my father. I needed a car to go to uni when I did my first year.

Since I came back from UK, I haven't bought a car. I've been relying on Tengku Mahkota being my driver or sometimes I drive his car. But, I hardly go out with his car by myself. At times, I really miss my car because I can just take my car and go out to meet my friends. Now, I don;t do that. I have to check with him on his availability and so on. Recently, I've this thought of getting a car. After some calculations, it's not worth it to own a car because both of us work nearby and we can share the same car. More importantly, the petrol hike has put my idea aside.

I'm sure God will bless me with a car in His time.


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