What is Faith? Faith is your trust towards somebody.
Next question, do you have faith in God? Another words, do you put your Trust in God?
Are you faithful to your marriage?
Learning to be faithful is not an easy task and it's not something that happens within a second. Personally, my faith on someone builds over time. This involves my experience/encounter with that person. Observations. Interactions.
I've been walking with God for over 10 years, I've put my faith in God again and again. Various trials that I went thru and I keep telling myself to trust in Him, and Him alone. No one else knows better plans than what He has planned for me right in front. I would say that faith and patience come together, they walk hand-in-hand. Because when you're building your faith on someone, you need patience to find out.
I would say that it's not easy to maintain the faith we have and furthermore to increase our faith. Being a child of God, we're supposed to be faithful to Him just like how faithful He has been to me. Every challenges that I experienced in my life, i don't think i can see the light at the end of the tunnel without His grace, mercy and wisdom. He has been so faithful. Likewise, I want to be faithful unto Him as well.
James 1: 3-4 'for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing'
So, do you have mustard-seed faith? Luke 18:5-6 says 'the apostles said to the Lord, "make our faith greater.' The Lord answered, 'if you had faith as big as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulbery tree, 'Pull yourself up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea!' and it would obey you'
Grow your seed by walking closely with Him, read His words, quiet time, to pray and listen to His voice. When any trials come, have faith in Him that He will carry us thru. If there's anything that turns up to be the other way round, remember, He wants to build our character, He knows what we can bear and what we cannot bear. He is with us, Emmanuel.
grow your seed? are you pregnant?
john doe, At
Tue Jan 20, 09:55:00 AM 2009
john: grow the mustard-seed faith.
InfanT, At
Tue Jan 20, 11:26:00 AM 2009
Lol apalah... from grow to seed can be intepreted as pregnant pulaks..
lol AMEN fern.. so true.. :)
mil0chel, At
Tue Jan 20, 01:53:00 PM 2009
Thank you for sharing your faith.
Moomykin, At
Wed Jan 21, 04:14:00 PM 2009
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