A period of rest
Yes, I'm in my 2nd month of maternity leave. Am I enjoying every minute of it? Yes...spending time with the baby I everyday.
Tengku Mahkota and I thank god for this life that He has entrusted us. Before I delivered Baby I, I was so looking forward to the 2 mths of maternity leave to have plenty of rest, spending time at home, doing my own things and also spending time with my mom (cos i hardly spend time with her except short visit back to Turtle island).
One month has passed and now I have another 2 weeks to go. I thank god for having such a supportive mom who has been with me throughout the confinement. Till today, she's still on night shift with me to take care of baby I, passing the baby to me for midnight feed and supporting breastfeeding. She encourages me to think positively that more milk will come. Even though i've left home after secondary school and never had good opportunities to spend time with my mom, the maternity leave has allowed me to do so. This is what we called God's timing.
Rest...am i having sufficient rest? my life has changed tremendously since his arrival. I used to sleep at least 7 hours per night. Now, merely 3 hours of rest will satisfy me these days and I don't really like to take naps during day time.
yea..i reckon i shall rest well before I return to work in early December and prayerfully I can also spend some quality time with Tengku Mahkota.
once the baby arrives, nothing will stay the same... but who's to say it's not a change for the better :D
john doe, At
Sun Nov 28, 03:57:00 PM 2010
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