I’m suffering from slight headache.
Due to ??
Too much of sleep, feeling lethargic.
Ops…*eyes rolling*
Yea. I went to bed at 9pm and I believe I slept right away after hugging my warm water bag on my tummy and my mickey mouse sleeping on my right side.
From 9pm till 5.50am, I didn’t get up. I slept still. Don’t remember moving much.
And now, I miss my bed.
When I don’t have enough sleep, I rant.
When I have too much of sleep, I rant.
What’s happening?
Nothing happens.
I’m counting my blessing one by one.
I tend to sleep more and sleep early when I don’t have calls at night with the Americans. I start to feeling sick when I remind myself that I have a call this Thursday at 10pm. 10am in